Source code for vidhubcontrol.backends.telnet

import asyncio
from loguru import logger
import string
import errno
from typing import Optional

from pydispatch import Property

from vidhubcontrol import aiotelnetlib
from .base import (
from vidhubcontrol.common import ConnectionState

[docs]class TelnetBackendBase(object): """Mix-in class for backends implementing telnet Attributes: hostaddr: IPv4 address of the device hostport: Port address of the device read_enabled: Internal flag to keep the :meth:`read_loop` running rx_bfr: Data received from the device to be parsed client: Instance of :class:`vidhubcontrol.aiotelnetlib._Telnet` """ hostaddr: str = Property() hostport: int = Property() read_enabled: bool rx_bfr: bytes client: 'vidhubcontrol.aiotelnetlib._Telnet' def _telnet_init(self, **kwargs): self.read_enabled = False self.current_section = None self.ack_or_nak = None self.read_coro = None self.hostaddr = kwargs.get('hostaddr') self.hostport = kwargs.get('hostport', self.DEFAULT_PORT) self.rx_bfr = b'' async def read_loop(self): while self.read_enabled: try: await self.client.wait_for_data() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) await self._catch_exception(e) return if not self.read_enabled: break try: rx_bfr = await self.client.read_very_eager() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) await self._catch_exception(e) return if len(rx_bfr): self.rx_bfr += rx_bfr logger.debug(self.rx_bfr.decode('UTF-8')) await self.parse_rx_bfr() self.rx_bfr = b'' async def send_to_client(self, data): if ConnectionState.failure in self.connection_state: return if not self.connection_state.is_connected: c = await self.connect() c = self.client if not c: return s = '\n'.join(['---> {}'.format(line) for line in data.decode('UTF-8').splitlines()]) logger.debug(s) try: await c.write(data) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) await self._catch_exception(e) async def do_connect(self): self.ack_or_nak_event = asyncio.Event() self.response_ready = asyncio.Event() self.rx_bfr = b'' logger.debug('connecting') try: c = self.client = await aiotelnetlib.Telnet(self.hostaddr, self.hostport) except OSError as e: logger.error(e) self.client = None await self._catch_exception(e) return False self.prelude_parsed = False self.read_enabled = True self.read_coro = asyncio.ensure_future(self.read_loop(), loop=self.event_loop) await self.wait_for_response(prelude=True) logger.debug('prelude parsed') return c async def do_disconnect(self): logger.debug('disconnecting') self.read_enabled = False if self.client is not None: await self.client.close_async() if self.read_coro is not None: await self.read_coro self.read_coro = None self.client = None logger.debug('disconnected') async def wait_for_response(self, prelude=False): logger.debug('wait_for_response...') while self.read_enabled: await self.response_ready.wait() self.response_ready.clear() if prelude: if self.prelude_parsed: return else: await asyncio.sleep(.1) if self.ack_or_nak is not None: resp = self.ack_or_nak self.ack_or_nak_event.clear() logger.debug('ack_or_nak: {}'.format(resp)) self.ack_or_nak = None return resp async def wait_for_ack_or_nak(self): logger.debug('wait_for_ack_or_nak...') if ConnectionState.failure in self.connection_state: return False await self.ack_or_nak_event.wait() resp = self.ack_or_nak self.ack_or_nak = None self.ack_or_nak_event.clear() return resp.startswith('ACK')
[docs]class TelnetBackend(TelnetBackendBase, VidhubBackendBase): """Base class for backends implementing telnet """ DEFAULT_PORT = 9990 SECTION_NAMES = [ 'PROTOCOL PREAMBLE:', 'VIDEOHUB DEVICE:', 'INPUT LABELS:', 'OUTPUT LABELS:', 'VIDEO OUTPUT LOCKS:', 'VIDEO OUTPUT ROUTING:', 'CONFIGURATION:', ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._telnet_init(**kwargs) async def _catch_exception(self, e: Exception, is_error: Optional[bool] = False): if isinstance(e, OSError): err = e.args[0] if err in [errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ECONNREFUSED]: is_error = True await super()._catch_exception(e, is_error) async def parse_rx_bfr(self): def split_value(line): return line.split(':')[1].strip(' ') bfr = self.rx_bfr.decode('UTF-8') section_parsed = False for line_idx, line in enumerate(bfr.splitlines()): if 'END PRELUDE' in line: self.current_section = None self.rx_bfr = b'' self.prelude_parsed = True break line = line.rstrip('\n') if not len(line): continue if line.startswith('ACK') or line.startswith('NAK'): self.ack_or_nak = line self.ack_or_nak_event.set() continue if line in self.SECTION_NAMES: self.current_section = line.rstrip(':') continue if self.current_section is None: continue elif self.current_section == 'PROTOCOL PREAMBLE': if line.startswith('Version:'): self.device_version = split_value(line) elif self.current_section == 'VIDEOHUB DEVICE': if line.startswith('Model name:'): self.device_model = split_value(line) elif line.startswith('Unique ID:'): self.device_id = split_value(line).upper() elif line.startswith('Video outputs:'): self.num_outputs = int(split_value(line)) elif line.startswith('Video inputs:'): self.num_inputs = int(split_value(line)) elif self.current_section == 'OUTPUT LABELS': i = int(line.split(' ')[0]) self.output_labels[i] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]) section_parsed = True elif self.current_section == 'INPUT LABELS': i = int(line.split(' ')[0]) self.input_labels[i] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]) section_parsed = True elif self.current_section == 'VIDEO OUTPUT ROUTING': out_idx, in_idx = [int(v) for v in line.split(' ')] self.crosspoints[out_idx] = in_idx else: section_parsed = True self.response_ready.set() if not self.prelude_parsed: return if self.current_section is not None and section_parsed: self.current_section = None async def get_status(self, *sections): if not len(sections): sections = [ b'VIDEO OUTPUT ROUTING:\n\n', b'OUTPUT LABELS:\n\n', b'INPUT LABELS:\n\n', ] for section in sections: await self.send_to_client(section)
[docs] async def set_crosspoint(self, out_idx, in_idx): return await self.set_crosspoints((out_idx, in_idx))
[docs] async def set_crosspoints(self, *args): tx_lines = ['VIDEO OUTPUT ROUTING:'] for arg in args: out_idx, in_idx = arg tx_lines.append('{} {}'.format(out_idx, in_idx)) tx_bfr = bytes('\n'.join(tx_lines), 'UTF-8') tx_bfr += b'\n\n' async with self.emission_lock('crosspoints'): await self.send_to_client(tx_bfr) r = await self.wait_for_ack_or_nak() if not r: return False xpts = self.crosspoints[:] for out_idx, in_idx in args: xpts[out_idx] = in_idx self.crosspoints[:] = xpts return True
[docs] async def set_output_label(self, out_idx, label): return await self.set_output_labels((out_idx, label))
[docs] async def set_output_labels(self, *args): tx_lines = ['OUTPUT LABELS:'] for arg in args: out_idx, label = arg tx_lines.append('{} {}'.format(out_idx, label)) tx_bfr = bytes('\n'.join(tx_lines), 'UTF-8') tx_bfr += b'\n\n' async with self.emission_lock('output_labels'): await self.send_to_client(tx_bfr) r = await self.wait_for_ack_or_nak() if not r: return False lbls = self.output_labels[:] for out_idx, label in args: lbls[out_idx] = label self.output_labels = lbls[:] return True
[docs] async def set_input_label(self, in_idx, label): return await self.set_input_labels((in_idx, label))
[docs] async def set_input_labels(self, *args): tx_lines = ['INPUT LABELS:'] for arg in args: in_idx, label = arg tx_lines.append('{} {}'.format(in_idx, label)) tx_bfr = bytes('\n'.join(tx_lines), 'UTF-8') tx_bfr += b'\n\n' async with self.emission_lock('input_labels'): await self.send_to_client(tx_bfr) r = await self.wait_for_ack_or_nak() if not r: return False lbls = self.input_labels[:] for in_idx, label in args: lbls[in_idx] = label self.input_labels = lbls[:] return True
[docs]class SmartViewTelnetBackendBase(TelnetBackendBase): DEFAULT_PORT = 9992 SECTION_NAMES = [ 'PROTOCOL PREAMBLE:', 'SMARTVIEW DEVICE:', 'NETWORK:', ] async def parse_rx_bfr(self): def split_value(line): return line.split(':')[1].strip(' ') bfr = self.rx_bfr.decode('UTF-8') section_parsed = False for line_idx, line in enumerate(bfr.splitlines()): line = line.rstrip('\n') if not len(line): if self.current_section.startswith('MONITOR') and len(self.monitors) == self.num_monitors: self.current_section = None self.rx_bfr = b'' self.prelude_parsed = True break continue if line.startswith('ACK') or line.startswith('NAK'): self.ack_or_nak = line self.ack_or_nak_event.set() if bfr.rstrip('\n') == line: self.current_section = None self.rx_bfr = b'' break continue if line in self.SECTION_NAMES: self.current_section = line.rstrip(':') continue if self.current_section is None: continue elif self.current_section == 'PROTOCOL PREAMBLE': if line.startswith('Version:'): self.device_version = split_value(line) elif self.current_section == 'SMARTVIEW DEVICE': if line.startswith('Model:'): self.device_model = split_value(line) elif line.startswith('Hostname:'): self.device_id = split_value(line).split('-')[1].upper() elif line.startswith('Name:'): if self.device_name is None or self.device_name == self.device_id: self.device_name = split_value(line) elif line.startswith('Monitors:'): self.num_monitors = int(split_value(line)) for c in string.ascii_uppercase[:self.num_monitors]: s = 'MONITOR {}:'.format(c) if s not in self.SECTION_NAMES: self.SECTION_NAMES.append(s) elif line.startswith('Inverted:'): self.inverted = split_value(line) == 'true' elif self.current_section == 'NETWORK': pass elif self.current_section.startswith('MONITOR '): monitor_name = self.current_section await self.parse_monitor_line(monitor_name, line, split_value(line)) else: section_parsed = True self.response_ready.set() if not self.prelude_parsed: return if self.current_section is not None and section_parsed: self.current_section = None async def parse_monitor_line(self, monitor_name, line, value): monitor = None for _m in self.monitors: if == monitor_name: monitor = _m break if monitor is None: monitor = await self.add_monitor(name=monitor_name) prop = None for key, val in MONITOR_PROPERTY_MAP.items(): if line.startswith('{}:'.format(val)): prop = key break if prop is None: return if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) await monitor.set_property_from_backend(prop, value) async def set_monitor_property(self, monitor, name, value): key = MONITOR_PROPERTY_MAP[name] tx_lines = [ '{}:'.format(, '{}: {}'.format(key, value), ] tx_bfr = bytes('\n'.join(tx_lines), 'UTF-8') tx_bfr += b'\n\n' await self.send_to_client(tx_bfr) r = await self.wait_for_ack_or_nak() if r: await monitor.set_property_from_backend(name, value) def _on_monitors(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs]class SmartViewTelnetBackend(SmartViewTelnetBackendBase, SmartViewBackendBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._telnet_init(**kwargs) async def _catch_exception(self, e: Exception, is_error: Optional[bool] = False): if isinstance(e, OSError): err = e.args[0] if err in [errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ECONNREFUSED]: is_error = True await super()._catch_exception(e, is_error)
[docs]class SmartScopeTelnetBackend(SmartViewTelnetBackendBase, SmartScopeBackendBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._telnet_init(**kwargs) async def _catch_exception(self, e: Exception, is_error: Optional[bool] = False): if isinstance(e, OSError): err = e.args[0] if err in [errno.EHOSTUNREACH, errno.ECONNREFUSED]: is_error = True await super()._catch_exception(e, is_error)